Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Pay-To_Play" Fee

The "Pay-To_Play" fee for Volleyball should be paid by Monday, September 2nd. It is $100 or $50 for those on reduced lunch. It must be paid or players will not be allowed to practice or play. It can be paid online or at the ASB treasurers office before or after school. In addition all players must have an ASB card.

Fall Sports Meeting

The Annual Fall Sports Meeting will be Wednesday, September 4th in the Kentlake Performing Arts Center (PAC) at 7pm. This will be followed by a Volleyball break-out session. It is very important that at least one parent for each player attend.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rosters Released

The rosters for the 2013 Kentlake Varsity, Junior Varsity and Cardinal teams have been announced and are available on their respective pages.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Get a Jump on Tryouts

Pacific Coast Volleyball Academy is hosting a "pre-tryout warmup" at Green River Community College tonight at 7pm. This would be a good opportunity to get a little practice in before tryouts next week.