Thursday, July 26, 2012


All athletic registration forms need to be turned in between 9:00—12:00 and 1:00—3:00 p.m. on Monday, August 13 or Wednesday, August 15. Before turning out for volleyball, you must purchase an ASB Card ($30.00), clear all fines, and complete a physicalregistration form and emergency card. Forms are available in the Main Office, Student Services Office and Athletic Office.

If you turned in a physical form at Kentlake last year, (dated after June 1, 2011, so once every two years), you do not need a new physical. Incoming 9th graders must have a school physical for High School Sports completed after June 1, 2012. Physicals from middle schools do NOT carry over.

ALL student athletes will need to turn in the athletic registration form and the emergency card at registration. If you are out of town on these two athletic registration days, you may have someone else register for you. Be sure to send a check for the ASB card ($30.00) OR pay online prior to the registration day, along with the athletic registration forms.

Volleyball tryouts will begin on Monday, August 20 (5pm to 7pm) and will continue on Tuesday, August 21st (9am to noon). Athletes who do not turn in all forms on August 13 or 15 will not be eligible to practice on the first day. The Athletic Participation Fee ($100, $50 if you receive reduced lunch) must be paid BY Monday, August 27 for ALL athletes (volleyball is a "cut" sport so the fee is not required until after the teams are announced). You may pay online with a credit card or at the Cashier’s Office with cash or check. The online payment option is available starting August 9.

Directions for online payments:
  • Go to
  • Enter the student ID number, birthdate and home phone number for EACH student you plan to purchase fees/items for.
  • Make sure “All Categories” is selected in the drop down box under the school name.

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